Sexual Fertility Problems

Sexual dysfunction is a condition where you are unable to take part in any sexual activity. There may be various reasons for this, however, age plays an important role in this. The most common reasons for this condition are diabetes, psychological condition, alcohol, smoking, heart diseases, side effects of medication or surgery, etc. Even though this condition can be treated if diagnosed at the right time, it can lead to severe effects if ignored.

(+91) 0755- 2773333, 08889224422

Dr. Manuj Sharma


There are different types of sexual problems that can affect both men and women.

  • Erectile dysfunction: It is a condition in which men face problems in erection. This condition can occur due to physical or psychological issues.
  • Ejaculation disorders: This condition may be temporary or permanent depending upon the level of damage that has occur in the nerves. This can be due to various factors such as stress, nerve damage, damage in the spinal cord, etc.
  • Low libido: This condition occurs due to the low production of hormones in testosterone. This can affect the mind and the body and lead to almost no sexual life. The condition can also cause due to other medical conditions such as stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, side effects of medication, etc.

This condition can create problems among a couple if not discussed openly. Hence, it is necessary that you consult a doctor. The doctor on the basis of the tests will suggest the right treatment and medication. However, in some cases, you may require surgery. But this solely depends on the condition due to which you are facing sexual problems.

Sexual problems can occur due to the physical conditions that can be treated. There are various medicines that are available in the market that can be administered to normalize the condition. However, these medicines should be taken in the consultation of the doctor. In some cases that can be severe, you may need to get implants or get the treatment done through surgeries to improve your condition.

The psychological conditions are pretty much temporary and hence, you do need medication for this. You can visit a therapist who can help you in treating your psychological problems. An open discussion with your partner can also help you in resolving the problems. You can also do meditation and exercises that can help your mental and physical health.

The condition is very common among men and women. However, it remains untreated as people find it difficult to discuss the condition. There are many public programs that talk about these problems and encourage people to discuss the issue openly with their partners or doctors.

If you are facing sexual problems, then you can visit us at Hormone Bhopal where our renowned Dr. Manuj Sharma can help in not only determining the cause but also treating the condition. Our health check-ups take about 3-4 hours and the results are supervised by Dr. Sharma to ensure that the results are accurate.

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