Growth Problem in Children

Delayed growth of a child can be due to many reasons. It could be due to hormonal deficiency or other medical issues. If it is identified at an early stage, then it can be treated, and the child’s growth can be normalized. However, whether the growth of your child is a matter of concern not, can only be explained by a doctor.

(+91) 0755- 2773333, 08889224422

Dr. Manuj Sharma


As a parent, you can identify the growth problems of your child. There are various ways of identifying the growth problems in your child.

  • If your child is having dwarfism, then you can find the size of your child’s arms and legs unproportionate to the size of the body.
  • If your child has hormonal issues, then your child will have less energy, dry skin and hair, always feeling cold, and constipation.
  • If the growth hormones of your child are affected, then your child’s face’s growth will get affect and make him or her abnormal.
  • If the growth problem is due to stomach problems, then you can find blood in stool, constipation, nausea, vomiting, etc.

The causes of growth problems can be due to many reasons.

  • Family history: Children get the genes of their family and this means that if the family has a history of short stature, then your child is more likely to be the same. This is a genetic issue that may are common among many children.
  • Constitutional delay in growth: Some children have delayed growth due to the delay in the growth of the bones in their bodies. In such cases, the children also enter puberty later than other children of their age group. The children may not be of the same height as other children of the same age group, but they tend to grow faster during their adulthood.
  • Growth hormones: When growth hormones are affected, your child may not have normal growth. This can be rectified with proper treatment and hormonal medication.
  • Affected thyroid glands: Children with hypothyroidism have underactive thyroid glands. Thyroid releases growth hormones that are responsible for proper growth. However, when these glands do not release proper hormones, then the growth is delayed.
  • Down syndrome is also another reason which delays the growth in the child.
  • Poor nutrition or diet is also another cause of delayed growth.

If you take your child to a doctor at the right time, then you can get your child treated and your child’s growth can be normalized. The doctor will take your family history and medical history of both your family and child to analyse the route cause of the growth problems. The doctor may also keep a track of your child’s growth for a few months after doing some tests. The tests will help in diagnosing the exact problem and start the treatment accordingly.

There are different kinds of treatment that you may go through to improve the growth of your child. This includes hormonal injections, thyroid drugs, etc.

Hormone Bhopal does all kinds of tests including growth tests of children. Our team of experts ensures that the result is accurate. Dr. Manuj Sharma is one of the best doctors in Bhopal who can be consulted to improve growth problems.

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