Obesity/Weight Loss

Obesity has been a problem that many people face. This condition is not only matter of concern cosmetically but also medically. With obesity, a person can face many health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory problems, etc. To control this condition, a person needs to have control over his or her diet and also exercise. However, there are certain medical conditions that result in obesity. Under this condition, medicines are used along with proper diet and exercise.

(+91) 0755- 2773333, 08889224422

Dr. Manuj Sharma


There are some tests and examinations that are taken place to diagnose the condition. These tests can be done in any testing lab.

  • Getting an account of the medical history of the affected person.
  • Getting a physical examination done such as checking of blood pressure, heart rate, height, condition of the lungs, and abdomen.
  • Understanding the lifestyle of the person.
  • Based on all the tests, BMI (body mass index) is calculated which helps to determine the level of risk the person may be in.
  • Blood tests also determine the kind of diseases the person may have due to obesity.

There are various kinds of treatments that help in improving obesity. However, the treatment depends on the causes of obesity and the body mass of the person. In the cases of extreme obesity, surgery is the only solution followed by the right diet and exercise. However, mostly obesity can be brought under control through the right kind of diet and exercise. The person would need to cut down on calories, have sugar to the minimal, restriction diet, etc. A dietician can help in creating a diet chart for the person based on history and other factors leading to obesity.

In some cases, obesity can also lead to mental stress and behavioral changes. This can be improved through counselling and support groups.

Even though weight loss can be intentional with dieting and exercises, there can also be other reasons for weight loss. These could be diseases such as diabetes, depression, hyperthyroidism, chronic illness, etc. If you are losing weight without any effort, then it is time for you to check on your health. Losing weight automatically need to be brought to attention immediately as this is unhealthy. You should consult a doctor immediately and get your tests done to determine the underlying cause of the condition. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the treatment.

However, if you are trying to lose weight, then you should do so in a healthy way. This includes exercise and healthy dietary plan. Your diet plan should be according to various factors that a dietician can only recommend. It is also advisable not to try weight loss supplements or medicines unless it has been prescribed by your doctor.

Are you putting on weight or losing weight without any effort? Then visit Hormone Bhopal and get your tests done. We have upgraded equipment and systems that help in getting an accurate result. Dr. Manuj Sharma, a renowned endocrinologist and diabetologist, ensures that the results are accurate. He also ensures that the patient gets proper treatment and improves his or her medical condition under his guidance and supervision.

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