There are various types of thyroid problems that one can face. These include goiter, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules. These problems can be tested through medical examinations and thyroid tests. We, at Hormone Bhopal, offer all kinds of thyroid tests and examinations.
Hypothyroidism: It is a condition in which the thyroid glands are not producing enough thyroid hormones. The usual symptoms related to the condition are dry skin, fatigue, depression, retention of fluid, joint and muscle aches, excessive bleeding during menstruation, and lack of concentration. This condition can occur due to:
- the autoimmune condition causing thyroid gland inflammation
- the resistance of thyroid hormone
- Inflammation of thyroid
Hyperthyroidism: Unlike hypothyroidism, under this condition, the glands produce more thyroid hormones. This could be to result of an increase in metabolism. The symptoms of this condition are nervousness, fatigue, fast heart rate, tremor, too much sweating, weight loss, problems in concentrating, heat intolerance, etc. This can be caused due to Graves’ disease, toxic adenomas, malfunction of pituitary glands, and subacute thyroiditis, some of which can be caused due to excessive intake of iodine.
Goiter: Goiter is a very common problem of thyroid glands that can be treated easily and quickly. In this condition, the glands can become visibly enlarged.
Nodules: These are lumps found in the thyroid and can be caused due to tumors, cysts, and cancers that are benign. The size of the nodule may vary depending on the condition and the cause of its development.
Cancer: Thyroid cancer is one of the very common types of cancers that depends on the cell in the thyroid that has been affected.